Monday 24 July 2017


Word of the Day: Flout

Meaning from to treat with disdain, scorn, or contempt; scoff at; mock:  (VERY HELPFUL, RIGHTπŸ˜•)

Simple Explanation: 

  1. This word is a verb. Basically, this means you are disobeying the law, but knowingly. Like you are a rebel. You will park only in front of the no parking sign. You will drive on the sidewalk. You just want to break the rule. You flout the rules.
  2. Captain America flouted the law in civil war. 
  3. The Joker loves to flout the law
  4. Google didn't approve my AdSense request because apparently I flouted the rules of Google. But I don't have any inappropriate content. πŸ˜”
  5. One more thing, this word is also used to mean mocking something/ someone. Eg. Bullies are famous for flouting at innocent kids. Don't let them bring you down. You are awesome!

  • Penny(Big Bang Theory). 
  • Phoebe (F.R.I.E.N.D.S)

Visual Explanation:


Friday 21 July 2017


Word of the Day: Preposterous 

Meaning from completely contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd; senseless; utterly foolish:

Simple Explanation: 

  1. This word is an adjective.How do I explain this word? I thought this was supposed to be easy and now I am just making a fool out of myself. This is the most preposterous thing I have ever done. Whoaa! wait a minute. That's what it means.  That's how you use it. May be my idea is not preposterous after all. πŸ˜‰
  2. There's one thing I don't really understand about American Tv shows, why do they always make the blonde people look preposterous. That's really mean 😠

  • Penny(Big Bang Theory). 
  • Phoebe (F.R.I.E.N.D.S)

Visual Explanation:


Word of the Day: Appalled

Meaning from To fill or overcome with horror, consternation, or fear; dismay:

Simple Explanation:

  1. This is a verb used to describe a feeling. So think of how you felt when you heard Trump won the election. 😲😨😱. That is exactly what appalled means. " I was appalled by the 2016 election result"
  2. You wake up in the middle of the night and see a Yuuuuuuge(huge) elephant right next to you about to put it's gigantic leg on your face. It would have totally appalled you. 
  3. You will not believe what just happened, while I was writing this my browser got closed and all that I wrote was lost. I was literally appalled while explaining what appalled means. It's actually a sad story, I had to rewrite everything :( 

Visual Explanation:

Thursday 20 July 2017


Word of the Day: Heath (Not Heath Ledger, this is different)

Meaning from dictionary.coma tract of open and uncultivated land; wasteland overgrown with shrubs.

Visual Explanation:

Simple Explanation:

It's basically a wasteland, very dry, no cultivation. Oops, I am basically repeating what says. Ok you can use Heath Ledger as a clue. I mean, look at his blond hair and this pale dry shrubs. Don't they look alike. 
Heath- vocabulary
Look at his hair! Now you will remember


There are about millions of websites around the internet to learn vocabulary, then why do you have to choose this blog? Because I came up with a strategy that will actually work and makes learning new works so much fun.

How is this going to work? 
Basically everyday I'll come up with 4 new words and we'll be using it in different circumstances so that we remember it easily. For. eg  I'll use that word in a meme or in a song or give a funny, stupid virtual explanation that'll let you remember it easily.

TIP #1: We all know the struggle of forgetting the sad and embarrassing things that we have done. It's like out brain just doesn't want to forget something stupid. So, why not make use of that, relating these words to something that you can never forget would actually help you remember new words easily. 

Let's get started!

P.S- I just made that all up. Actually, I am writing this blog to help me improve my vocabulary and writing skills. I just couldn't learn using the commercial "improve your vocabulary stuff", so I came up with my own way of learning it. I tend to learn things faster if I have to teach someone, so I'm gonna be learning new words and teaching you, so that I can improve my vocabulary You are more than welcome to use my weird strategy, if you are interested. :D